7056019 P/K Lifestyles CURVEBALL EMB SEAGLASS 404155 Lattice Embroidered Drapery Fabric

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P/K Lifestyles CURVEBALL EMB SEAGLASS 404155 Lattice Embroidered Drapery Fabric

Curveball Embroidery 404155 Seaglass is an embroidered circles design. To give you an idea of the scale, the largest circle measures approximately 4 inches in height. The embroidery design has two colors, Light Taupe for the large circle and Off White for the smaller one. The background color is a Spring Green. Curveball can be used for drapery fabric, throw cushion fabric, top of the bed applications, cornice board fabric and for headboard fabric.

Cleaning Instructions: DRY CLEAN ONLY
Fabric Collection: PKL STUDIO FALL 2021
Width: 58"
Fiber Content: BASE:70% POLY, 30% CT EMBROIDERY:100% POLYESTR
Pattern Repeat: Vert=4.00" Horiz=4.63"
Type: Embroidered Fabric
Pattern: Lattice Fabric
Use: Drapery Fabric

Color Family Grouping: Blue - Turquoise - Aqua
Fabric Type Grouping: P/K Lifestyles CURVEBALL EMB SEAGLASS 404155, Embroidered Fabric, Lattice Fabric
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